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On Wang Chong's Theory of Ming from Causality and Time: The Ding-Ou Compatibility Problem and the Qi-Ming Originality Problem
作者 郭芳如
This paper argues that Wang Chong's theory of Ming has a dimension of causality and a corresponding temporal order, and from this perspective I propose that there is no incompatibility between Ming-Ding and Shih- Ou concerning necessity and contingency, nor any inconsistency between Ming and Qi concerning their priority. Causally speaking, Qi is the ultimate origin in the theory of Ming, while Ming-Ding is the resulting state after Qi, and Shih-Ou is an account of different things meeting in a coincidence. So the concept of Ming-Ding does not contain the notion of necessary determination, nor does the concept of Shih-Ou the notion of contingency, and consequently there is no incompatibility between Ming-Ding and Shih- Ou. Moreover, so far as Qi is the ultimate origin, there is no inconsistency concerning Ming and Qi about their priority. Temporally speaking, though Wang Chong's theory of Ming contains a certain temporal disorder in taking the future as a cause to pre-determine the result, the time of determination is still prior to the time of happening, and hence Ming-Ding still falls short of necessity. On the other hand, though coincidence occurs when things happen to meet, thus acquiring a sense of contingency underdetermined by causal connections, coincidence still falls short of contingency. Moreover, as Qi is prior to Ming-Ding, Qi should be taken as the ultimate origin beyond any doubt.
起訖頁 103-145
關鍵詞 王充因果時間Wang ChongQiMingCausalityTime
刊名 思與言  
期數 201903 (57:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 石滬資本結構與生產規模之經濟分析
該期刊-下一篇 西方中心主義標籤下的韋伯:試論其中國佛教觀




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