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In Search of Memory in the Novels of Trilogía de la huida by Dulce Chacón
作者 楊瓊瑩
杜爾瑟‧洽宮(Dulce Chacón, 1954-2003)的文學生涯始於九○年代,是西班牙本世紀具有影響力的重要作家之一,也是畢生關注女性處境及倡導為邊緣者(內戰受害者/戰敗者)發聲的文壇女鬥士。《某段不毀滅的愛情》(Algún amor que no mate, 1996)、《布蘭卡明天飛翔》(Blanca vuela mañana, 1997)及《謬斯,請與我聊聊那位男士》(Háblame, musa, de aquel varón, 1998)是洽宮所創作的首要三部小說作品,主要探討當代西班牙女性的心理狀態及與社會的衝突。這三部中篇小說日後收錄在《逃離三部曲》(Trilogía de la huida)。本文聚焦於探討作家洽宮如何呈現記憶之議題於《逃離三部曲》:《某段不毀滅的愛情》、《布蘭卡明天飛翔》及《謬司,請與我聊聊那位男士》。也將分析及比較三部小說中的女性人物如何藉著「個人記憶」,積極拯救及再現個人及集體的過往,重新審視個人的生命意涵。儘管小說的結局多以「逃脫」的方式結束,然而作品中的女性角色勇於為自己發聲,進而追尋獨立自主及建構多元的女性主體性。
Dulce Chacón (1954-2003), whose literary career initiated in the nineties, has been considered as one of the most influential female writers in the contemporary Spain and also as a brave fighter in the literary circle concerning about the marginal situation of women and giving voices to the victims or defeated ones in the Spanish Civil War. Algún amor que no mate (1996), Blanca vuela mañana (1997) and Háblame, musa, de aquel varón (2002) are the first three novels written by Chacón, forming Trilogía de la huida and dealing with female psychology and female social conflicts in the contemporary Spain. In the present study, we will focus on how Chacón explored the issue of memory in her Trilogía de la huida: Algún amor que no mate, Blanca vuela mañana and Háblame, musa, de aquel varón. We will also analyze and compare how the female characters of these three novels reconstruct their individual and collective past through personal memory in order to review the significance of personal life. Although the three novels mostly conclude with an escapist mode, certain female characters strive to give their voices to be heard so as to search personal independence and construct diverse female subjectivities.
起訖頁 47-69
關鍵詞 記憶女性主體性杜爾瑟‧洽宮逃離三部曲發聲memoryfemale subjectivityDulce ChacónTrilogía de la huidagiving voices
刊名 外國語文研究  
期數 201812 (29期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外國語文學院
該期刊-上一篇 專業術語與法語教學:廚藝動詞詞彙學分析與教學應用
該期刊-下一篇 論《密勒日巴大師全集》「物/悟境」之譯相




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