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Pluralism as Cover: Gender Mainstreaming and the Political Unconscious in Taiwan
Pluralism as Cover: Gender Mainstreaming and the Political Unconscious in Taiwan
作者 Lucifer Hung (Lucifer Hung)
Standing amid the ruinsof the “gender equality mainstreaming”ofthe past twenty years, we are obligedto probe into our history, to contextualize the status quo and the past, and to examine current conditionsfrom our current position. My premise in this articleis that conflicts over“gender politics”and “gender/sexual politics”in Taiwan are not merely the result ofontology, but insteadhave anepistemological basis and political frameworkalong two different “lines”that are radically different, givingrise toasituation filled with continuous struggle. This circumstance cannot be, as some simplistic claimsfollowingthe logic of “(state) feminism”have it, summed up merely as “friction between factions”;neither as “women’s movement excludes (assumed as naturally born) lesbians/gays,”nor de-contextualized as “women’s movement accommodates lesbians/gays”and“liberation of women means liberation of lesbians/gays.”If this logic is assumed, discussions on gender/sexual politics can only take placeon two clearly separated sides, “feminism”(gender diversity) and “lesbian/gay”(sexual liberation), which is itself problematic.
起訖頁 133-168
關鍵詞 gender diversitystate feminismpolitical unconscioussexual liberationxenophobiasocialist uncles ocial d emocracytermination
刊名 同心圓:文學與文化研究  
期數 201909 (45:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 Protest, Performativity, and Transgenderism in Stella Oyedepo’s The Rebellion of the Bumpy-Chested
該期刊-下一篇 Critical Issues in Sinophone Studies: A Dialogue between Shu-mei Shih and Kim Tong Tee, Moderated




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