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Smoothing Over Sex in Modern Chinese Literature: Translation and the #MeToo Movement
Smoothing Over Sex in Modern Chinese Literature: Translation and the #MeToo Movement
作者 Angie Chau (Angie Chau)
This paper arises from a series of class discussions inspired by Shen Congwen’s (沈從文, 1902-88) short story about child marriage, “Xiaoxiao” (蕭蕭, 1929), which is set in the spring of 2018 during an unending series of breaking news stories related to sexual assault and sexual harassment in the workplace. Beginning from the close reading of one seemingly innocuous line in the English translation--“Finally, one day, she let Motley sing his way into her heart, and he made a woman of her”--the paper seeks to address the following questions: How can translational practices inform and revise conventional ways of reading canonical fictional texts, especially in relationship to current conversations about sexual harassment, rape, and the #MeToo movement? What is the pedagogical responsibility of educators teaching literature to address instances of sexual violence, especially in cultural and historical contexts that seem remote from our own? And finally, what is at stake in this rereading of modern Chinese literary classics? Drawing from examples in two frequently studied and taught short stories published in China during the Republican period--Shen Congwen’s “Xiaoxiao” and Mao Dun’s (茅盾, 1896-1981) “Chun can” (春蠶 “Spring Silkworms,” 1932)--I argue that translation in the present moment offers readers a valuable opportunity to re-examine commonly overlooked scenes of sexual ambiguity and abuse, especially in the field of East Asian literature, where many students arrive with a wide range of preconceptions and stereotypes about gender relations.
起訖頁 55-82
關鍵詞 #MeTootranslationChinese literaturerapesexualized violence
刊名 同心圓:文學與文化研究  
期數 201909 (45:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 'I Revolt, Therefore We Are to Come'': Imaginary M/Other in The Assassin and The Grandmaster
該期刊-下一篇 Atrocity, Alterity, Altar: A Theatrical Space of Healing in Humberto Robles’s “Women of Sand”




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