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The Problematic Countersign: On Love and Sinthomatic Eroticism in “Penelope”
The Problematic Countersign: On Love and Sinthomatic Eroticism in “Penelope”
作者 Ching-ying Hsu (Ching-ying Hsu)
Situated at the intersection of Lacan, Badiou, and Joyce, this essay interprets Joyce’s modern version of “Penelope” as a sinthomatic writing, finding this female countersign to be problematic by way of an ethical evaluation of the sinthome as a (singularized) sexual relation and an investigation of Joyce’s belief in his sinthome. Firstly, I fully acknowledge the merit of sinthomatic eroticism as a repairment of the non- existence of sexual relation in its capacity of maintaining the recognition of the non-existence of the Other and of authoring and forging one’s own sexual rapport through the self-invented savoir-faire of one’s jouissance. Molly as Bloom’s sinthome-partner is indispensable in offering her participation in the construction of (inter)sinthomatic eroticism. However, upon closer scrutiny, the merits of this version of eroticism appear quite limited, for Joyce’s conservative presentation stays near to the cultural symptoms of his time, and, moreover, Joyce’s belief in his sinthome functions similarly with normal neurotics’ symptoms and lacks truly intersubjective reciprocity. Secondly, my ethical reading takes account of the productive tension between “sinthomatic eroticism” and love. I invoke both Lacan’s idea of love as “compensation” of the non-existence of sexual relationship, and (beyond Lacan) Badiou’s work on love as a way of creatively carving out what I term “the ethical space of love” as a space (not entirely disengaged from but) distinct from the psychoanalytic domain of sexual desires or eros. By doing so, I explore the relatively uncharted ground of the theorization of true love.
起訖頁 189-223
關鍵詞 lovesinthomatic eroticismethics“Penelope”Jacques LacanJames JoyceAlain Badiou
刊名 同心圓:文學與文化研究  
期數 201903 (45:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系
該期刊-上一篇 Breaking through the Rabbit Proof Fence : Colonial Displacement and Aboriginal Resistance in Doris Pilkington Garimara’s Story telling




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