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The Analysis of Food Rumors: From a Risk Perspective
作者 紀慧君 (Huei-Chun Chi)
This study investigates rumors not just as a kind of false information, but as a voice of protest, a reflection of the dark side of society, and a logic of the masses. In doing so, rumors are portraited with different faces and new concerns about rumors are raised. In recent years, Taiwan has been shrouded by food panics accompanied by endless food rumors. Since people share similar confusion, anxiety and instability to food safety issues, food rumors have become a way of people's expression of their fear to food panics. Food rumors thus conceals underlying meanings of contemporary dietary culture. To reveal the meanings, we first take food rumors as a statement in which the meaning of diet is turned into a risk. The risk statements protest the disorder and confusion of food, lead people to face food panics, and form the guide for people to take actions. In addition to defining food risks in a specific way, food rumors also construct positions of actors based on their contexts, cultures, and interpersonal relationships. During the construction, actors can produce knowledge about food risks, protect themselves, and act on them.
起訖頁 149-192
關鍵詞 海域遊憩活動流暢體驗驗證性因素分析marine recreation activitiesflow experienceconfirmatory factor analysis
刊名 思與言  
期數 201909 (57:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 華資輕工業企業的早期發展:以南洋兄弟煙草公司為例(1905-1915)
該期刊-下一篇 試析反廢死:「若你至親受此對待」與「被害者人權何在」的論述脈絡




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