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Who Decides Whether to Believe?: Belief Experiences of Transnational Marriage Couples in the Blessed family of the Unification Church
作者 邱琡雯
Based on examples taken from the belief experiences of transnational marriage couples in the blessed families of the Unification Church (Family Federation for World Peace and Unification), this paper examines the following questions: How are believers shaped, indoctrinated, and moved by religious ideas? How have they integrated religion into their lives and been able to sustain it until now? Who decides whether to believe? And, who in the end controls their beliefs? Who is it that dictates their lives? First, by dealing with the official positions of the Unification Church, opinions regarding the Unification Church from the mainstream media and Christian groups, and prior studies from Japan, Korea, the UK, the USA, and Taiwan, I undertake a cross-comparison of these materials. I also take up related articles on conversion and transnational marriage to clarify the framework of this research. Participants in this study included three groups: interviewees or informants from transnational marriages in the blessed families of the Unification Church of Taiwan, Japan, and Korea; informants from the Unification Church in Taiwan and Japan; and Taiwanese informants who dispute or suspect the Unification Church. The results of this research have been threefold: (1) The motivations of followers include the desire to resolve suffering that stems from poverty, sickness, or disputes; the desire to pursue universal truth; the desire to marry and form a family; while some followers were born into the Unification Church and are now second-generation households; (2) As for the followers ability to adjust to the indoctrination, their beliefs are based on a lengthy period of indoctrination, and at various stages—accepting the blessing, initiating a family, and sustaining their beliefs—followers each have various ways to cope with this indoctrination; (3) Regarding their responses to external criticism, when followers are confronted with other social views, they often display a variety of reactions, such as evading more significant issues to focus on the trivial, deliberately ignoring them, or providing some self-justification. Finally, from a position of sympathetic detachment, I reflect on my own suspicions towards the group which emerged over the course of this research. The completion of this paper is a great effort I have made to overcome these suspicions.
起訖頁 133-183
關鍵詞 初期佛教無我相經薩遮尼犍子經無我文獻學教義學early BuddhismAnattalakkhaṇa SuttaCūḷasaccaka Suttaanattaphilologydogmatics
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 201806 (17:1期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 國際學界佛教僧伽教育研究之間顧(下):傳統與論著
該期刊-下一篇 由水子到嬰靈:現代臺日社會中早夭胎兒祭祖之比較研究初探




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