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Reframing' or 'Back-to folk belier'? Mechanism of the Religious Healing
作者 張珣
This article tries to discern the mechanism of folk religious healing in Taiwan. First of all, this study reviews previous studies on folk therapy including folk religious healing in Taiwan, among them writings of medical anthropologists' are emphasized. Secondly, method and viewpoints of medical anthropology are introduced and elaborated. Thirdly, seven cases of three kinds of religious healing in Taiwan are provided to explain the mechanism of folk therapy. Indigenous psychology has been progressive in recent year Taiwan. Most psychologists focus on individual cognition than on social cultural value system. Mechanism of 'reframing' is raised by some of the leading psychologists in Taiwan to explain why folk therapy is efficacious. Patients change their cognitive framework from western medical etiology to folk belief. Yet, question of 'why are patients willing to reframe their cognition?' is unanswered. We need an interdisciplinary dialogue here. The author suggests that back to an understanding of the basic folk culture and folk religious belief is necessary. Medical anthropologists' findings are complementary to indigenous psychologists' research.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 潘尼卡宗教交談宗教經驗象徵Panikkarreligious dialoguereligious experiencesymbolic
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200912 (8:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-下一篇 台灣民間信仰的宗教靈療方法及其信仰基礎──以台中慈德慈惠堂的「叩問儀式」為例




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