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Flying-Phoenix Hermeneutics Take The Holy Revelation of Bai-Xiao Classics as An Example
作者 林榮澤
Religious Hermeneutics and 'Flying-phoenix Hermeneutics' are two main kinds of Hermeneutics models in Taiwan popular religions. Especially 'Flying-phoenix Hermeneutics' is the most characteristic because it uses Fuji (planchette writing) to explain the classics of the three Chinese main religions. 'The Database of Holy Revelation of Popular Religion' have collected 7,766 Holy Relevations more than fifty years in Taiwan, and many of them are classics of 'Flying-phoenix Hermeneutics'. This article tries to use these materials, through Wei-Xun Fu's 'creative Hermeneutics of Religious Classics,' to explain the Hermeneutics model of 'Flying-phoenix Hermeneutics' of Taiwan popular religions. Flying-phoenix Hermeneutics of Taiwan popular religions is full of the life education of the thought of 'encouraging people to do good deeds'. Especially it interprets most Confucius classics, and is about 70%. Among them, The Holy Revelation of Bai-Xiao Classics is the most representative. It contains 300 Revelation-in-Revelations for its interpretation. This article uses the classics as the central of the study, and analyzes the unique hermeneutics model in Taiwan popular religions. This article is to explain the model of 'Flying-phoenix Hermeneutics' from I-Kuan Tao, therefore the meaning of the Holy Revelation will not be discussed in detail.
起訖頁 1-35
關鍵詞 基督教教義傳統文化實踐長老教會歷史東排灣Christian doctrinestraditional culturespracticeshistory of Presbyterian ChurchEastern Paiwan
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200812 (7:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-下一篇 教會懲戒:以金門後浦堂會史為例




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