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The Vegetarianism of I-Kuan Tao: Focusing on Its Doctrinal Position
作者 鍾雲鶯
The study is about the vegetarianism of I-Kuan Tao, focusing on its doctrine. In the context of I-Kuan Tao's 'Principle of Tao', every life originates from the same source. Therefore, abstinence from 'animal food' is the basic requirement for the believers. The I-Kuan Tao believers' insistence on being a vegetarian is based on its doctrine of the 'ultimate' and 'Transmigration of the Soul'. During the process of transmigration of the soul, human beings and animals are different only by species and appearances. Both are from the same source and just like in the same family. In other words, to eat animal food is just like eating human beings. I-Kuan Tao believers think that the root causes of wars derive from the fact that human beings eat too much animal food. The soul of life being killed generates a strong magnetic field of resentment in the universe and causes many disasters. To survive the world from its doom, the only way is to practice human kindness and not to eat any animal food. I-Kuan Tao believers regard the best way for saving the world is to be a vegetarian. Finally, the 'Faithful Covenant of Ching Ko (清口) ' of I-Kuan Tao shows the close relation between its vegetarianism and its doctrine. In particular, the meaning of 'Ching Ko' (清口) is very clear in mind and action. We could understand that the vegetarianism of I-Kuan Tao comes from the core value of its doctrinal position.
起訖頁 153-173
關鍵詞 會靈山去地域化民間信仰新興宗教漢人宗教私人宮壇善書Converging with the Spirit-MountainDe-territorializationFolk ReligionNew ReligionHan ReligionPrivate TempleMorality Book
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200806 (7:1期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣宗教放生之類型與變遷




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