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Re-examining the four jhānas in early Buddhism from the Pali Nikāyas: the role of jhāna meditation in the path to liberation
作者 越建東
This study attempts to re-examine the role of four-jhānas meditation method in the accomplishment of Buddhist liberation. The paper makes a great effort on searching for every relevant occurrence on the usage and related description of four-jhānain the four Pali Nikāyas, and trying to analyze their main meaning or intention appearing in vatious contexts. The result of some findings is applied to response to a heated discussion issue on Buddhist meditation in recent scholarship, regarding whether the shamatha represents a path of practice which is quite different from the so called vipassanā, and whether the jhāna or jhāna-alike meditation is not a necessary condition for the liberation but the paññā does play such a role. This paper tries to criticize Griffiths' assertion on this issue, and aims to provide evidence, suggesting that the jhāna/shamatha is as important as paññā /vipassana. This view point is therefore in consistent with the model of liberation as 'jhāna/shamatha + paññā/vipassanā = liberation.'
起訖頁 83-120
關鍵詞 僧伽羅意識王權阿育王系譜史《大史》度多伽摩尼Sinhala consciousnesskingshipAśokavaṃsaMahāvaṃsaDuṭṭhagāmanī
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200706 (6:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 宗教信仰的集體性與個體性一種「宗教的生活言行」觀點的初步探討
該期刊-下一篇 《雜阿含》「無我相經」勘正:「文獻學」 vs. 「教義學」的解決方案




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