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Understanding the Stranger: Aspects of Inter-religious Hermeneutics
作者 Theo Sundermeier (Theo Sundermeier)
In Germany, where her father was on furlough, the little daughter of a missionary, grown up in Western Africa, saw some Africans at a railway station. She caught her father's hand and cried: 'Look, father, there are real human persons!' Like a burning glass this scene is focussing the problems concerning the question of being familiar or strange. From an early age the girl was familiar with African people, with their appearance, their character, their dealing with each other, their sociality. Africans represented the familiar world of her childhood. They reminded her of her home; this feeling she expressed in the word 'real human persons', in which she connected familiarity and sense of belonging. It need not surprise that she did not name a distinction to her parents, who are looking different. Her parents and the African people together are representing what she wanted to express with this word: she felt again at home!
起訖頁 133-146
關鍵詞 基督教社會思想社會基督主義基督保守主義基進正統神學長老教會Christian social thoughtSocial ChristianityChristian ConservatismRadical OrthodoxyPresbyterianism
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200606 (5:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 卡爾.巴特的神學人類學




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