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American Episcopal Women Missionaries and Their Evangelical Work in Nineteenth-Century China: Transplanting Femininity or Proceeding to Feminism?
作者 林美玫
This article presents women missionaries of the American Episcopal Church and their missionary endeavors in nineteenth-century China as a case in point. To discuss and explore the woman factor and its possible meaning in shaping the evangelical Protestant missionary enterprise on Mainland China, the author intends to make her arguments into four key parts. First, to the American people, what femininity, feminism and their characteristics were in the nineteenth century? Second, how did femininity and feminism mean to American women, and to what extent did they affect women's family and social lives from nineteenth century to the tum of the twentieth century? Third, as the Episcopal women were endeavored to convert the Chinese, especially Chinese women, to Christianity, did these women evangelists consciously or unconsciously transplant their conception of American femininity to their Chinese counterparts from their jobs as teacher, administrator, doctor and nurse? Fourth, in light of the intercultural dialogue through religion the Episcopal women had been devoted to, they actually presented themselves with different approaches to femininity as a gender model that led their Chinese sisters to develop their burgeoning feminism. By giving a clear definition on femininity and feminism, and discussing their possible meanings, the author maintains that what American Episcopal women missionaries had embraced was a Christian femininity and a precursory western feminism as proto-feminism when they started their evangelical work in China. After studying seventy-five missionaries and their correspondence to their mission board, the author contends that these Episcopal women did transplant their views on femininity and proto-feminism to China. The gender role that shaped and played by Christian missionary enterprise made it possible and capable for these women missionaries to manage their intimate\separate sphere and public sphere. Despite the fact that not all of them were successful in conducting their evangelical work, however, the Episcopal women missionaries did leave a legacy to the Chinese they were encountered. Therefore, the woman factor could not be ignored in missionary enterprise. It would empower the Chinese to pursue their self-fulfillment and independence in early twentieth-century China. Intentionally or unintentionally, it might be conceived as a heritage that Protestant missions through their female workers left to the Chinese after a century of endeavors.
起訖頁 1-78
關鍵詞 宗教社群主義蒙兀爾王朝民族主義印巴分立紀納尼赫魯CommunalismMughal EmpireNationalismPartitionJinnahNehru
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200606 (5:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-下一篇 「世界觀」與「面向」:析論斯馬特的宗教哲學




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