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The Collection and Publishing of the Record of Female Zen Masters in the Ming-Qing Transitional Period
作者 蘇美文
The complete record of female Zen masters emerged in Jiaxing Canon (Jiaxing zang), which means it coexisted with the record of male Zen masters and the Buddhist Scripture at that time. This paper discusses the reasons that cause the collection and publishing of the record of female Zen masters in terms of historical documents. I tried to interpret the historical event from a female's point of view and let the documents present the phenomenon but not to use values to judge the phenomenon. According to my analytically survey, there are four cultural phenomena that triggered the publishing. First is the loose traditional values; the second is Bhiksunis were active at Ming-Qing Transitional Period; the third is the prevailing of women writing and publishing; the fourth is female Zen masters followed the trend of reorganizing the Precepts; the fifth is the increasing phenomenon Of Dharma transmission and Zen Record. Issues on Jiaxing Canon (Jiaxing zang) will also be touched in this study such as the editor's opinions (Mi-Cang-Dao-Kai); the process of publishing; the features of collection and so on. I inferred that the following are main reasons that cause the historical event: the Record is prestigious; Jiaxing Canon represents the sprit of that age; the location of publishing-Jiang-Nan-was the center of Bhuddism; leave historical evidence for the female Zen masters.
起訖頁 113-174
關鍵詞 早期天師道天地水三官三官手書解除罪過Early Heavenly Master DaoismThree Officials of HeavenEarth and WaterPersonal Writs to the Three OfficialsRitual for Absolving Sins
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200412 (4:1期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 戰後台灣的佛教出版事業:以陳慧劍為例
該期刊-下一篇 俞琰的丹道易學思想研究




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