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Holistic Theory on the Han Chinese Society and the Research in the Religious Sphere
作者 陳緯華 (Chen Wei-Hua)
The theory of the 'religious sphere' (tsi-su-chuan) was proposed to explain the social structure of Taiwan. We should try to understand it in the context of all those theories about the integration of Han Chinese society. This essay holds the idea that every theory about the integration of Han Chinese society presupposes specific concepts of 'society', 'culture' and 'history'. It is necessary to find out the perspectives and biases that these concepts contain in order to further advance research in this area. This essay suggests that the theory of 'religious sphere' that views society as consisting of groups should be amended such that it views society as consisting of multiple social systems. Furthermore, the theory should demonstrate that the system of religious practice serves as the mechanism that dictates how multiple social systems are integrated. This is the distinctive way in which Han Chinese create their society in response to the practical needs of social life. In order to do that, we should prove that religion is an irreducible historical dynamic, analyze the practical logic of religious activities and demonstrate how it can be a cultural mechanism that integrates different types of social systems. Through this proper understanding of the social role of Han Chinese folk religion, we should additionally view culture as an essential factor for interpreting the history of Chinese society.
起訖頁 129-160
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200409 (3:1期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 Renaissance or Subordination: A Comparative Study of the Approaches to Christian Social Thought of Ronald H. Preston and Michael Novak
該期刊-下一篇 由文化理論到社會變遷理論:評Clart, Philip & Charles B. Jones edited. 2003. Religion in Modern Taiwan: Tradition and Innovation in a Changing Society. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press




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