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The Buddhist Gongde Temple in Lineage Invention: A Case Study of Two Gongde Temples at Yang Village in Fujian Province
作者 張小軍
The mid-Ming dynasty witnessed a wide range of cultural invention of lineage in southern China. One would wonder why there was a sudden process of lineage invention at that time? The present paper aims to analyze such a process through a case study of two Gongde temples at Yang Village in Fujian province. The two Gongde temples turned to ancestral halls after south Song dynasty. We believe that the 'scholar-bureaucrat invention of lineage' and the 'plebeian identity of lineage ethic' that took place from the south Song dynasty to early Ming in the center area of New-Confucianism (mainly including Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces) in southern China brought about the culture invention of lineage in the mid-Ming dynasty. The so-called 'scholar-bureaucrat invention 'of lineage' refers to a process of the acceptance and invention of 'lineage' by rural scholars in the root societies of southern China from south Song to early Ming. The change that the two Gongde temples at Yang Village had undergone provides us with: a valuable case through which we could interpret how lineage took place and villages were nationalized since south Song. It also helps us to understand the construction of the root-societies in southern China after south Song dynasty and enables us to consider: 1) how Buddhism and Confucianism could merge and co-develop when the former had seemingly a rise and the latter decadency since south Song; and 2) what role the state played and how it was reinvented.
起訖頁 79-107
關鍵詞 疑問詞問句否定福建話語法漳腔wh-questionnegationHokkienesegrammarZhangzhou variety
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200212 (2:1期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 道教的興起及其對漢魏社會之影響
該期刊-下一篇 制度與擴散:戰後台灣火居道教的兩個宗教面向──以台灣中部的道壇道士為例




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