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The Clan Society, Folk Custom and Convention of Popular Religion at Shangbao of Kaishan Village.
作者 楊彥杰
This paper is to examine the patriarchal clan society, folk custom and convention of popular religion based on the field information together with reference of official chorography at Shangbao of Kaishan Village in Taining County. As pointed out in this paper, the folk custom and convention popular religion are rich and varied at Shangbao of Kaishan. As for the locations for offering sacrifices to the gods, there built up were Buddhist monasteries at a clan unit, altars of gods according to each clan name at the village as well as trans-village and inter-clan regional temples at a higher level. The folklore and worship system made up of altars and temples at various levels was closely linked to the emergence and social structure of the local clan society. As far as a patriarchal clan is concerned, the clansmen's donation towards construction of temples or sculpture of god statues is intended for the benefit of the clan that all the family members or the clansmen can rely on ad hoc blessings from the deity. Within the boundaries of a village, the environmental and geomantic idea from the shared terrain is prone to be the groundwork for facilitating cooperation among all clans. The villagers have made their joint efforts to build up altars for sacrifices at the village water mouth, to protect the mountain behind and to shape the table-like hill in front, so as to safeguard and enjoy their common geomantic benefit. The terrain-sharing concept has been further extended, leading to the sharing of the Guanghui Temple and the worship of the King Fu Ji Hou by every clan at Shangbao of Kaishan Village. The people here are to establish and improve their connection and social position among themselves by organizing temple fairs and contributing money to the construction of temples or sculpture of god statues, or even by concluding a contract. Historical legends and fairy tales also help the local residents form a consensus. On the other hand, dominant clans and village intellectuals are playing an outstanding role in local public affairs, with a clan interest intersected with the whole village interest. The official and popular interaction is also incarnated in the function of this regional temple. The paper also points out that popular Buddhism has exerted a profound influence over this area though there are manifold folklore and popular religious traditions at Shangbao of Kaishan. As early as in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, there began the charity in sculpturing Buddha statues and enshrinement and worship of Bodhisattva in the village where tomb-guarding temples or monasteries were built with Buddhist monks recruited to make a fetish of Buddha. Among all, benevolence like donation towards sculpturing Buddha statues and charitable offering of land property had continued till the Chinese Republic period. Popular Buddhism has been closely associated with the local clan forces while the Buddhist abbots and the clans dependent upon, each other on a contractual basis. This is an important social foundation for the long existence and the dissemination of popular Buddhism in this area.
起訖頁 85-118
關鍵詞 排灣語重音類型地理語言學形成論發展論波傳模式煙火模式Paiwanstress patterngeolinguisticsformation theorydevelopment theorywave modelfirework model
刊名 臺灣宗教研究  
期數 200110 (1:2期)
出版單位 台灣宗教學會
該期刊-上一篇 「另類」女性:從一個新聞剪報檔案談台灣比丘尼形象的再現
該期刊-下一篇 Mazu Daoyi: a Complete Biography




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