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A Text Analysis on the Aspect Marker guo in Taiwanese Min
作者 鄭縈鄭思婷
體(aspect)是漢語時間範疇研究的焦點,在方言語法研究中亦然;以往研究偏重在「了、著」,本文則以閩南語「過」的體標記用法為主題。首先進行語料蒐集,在蒐集的1772個語料中,「過」仍以實詞用法為主,約占84.48%,而體標記僅佔4.06%,這是因為在閩南語中主要擔任經歷體的功能者,為副詞「捌‘曾(經)’」,而「捌+V+過」的結構是一種「強化」或「疊架」現象。其次,就篇章語法功能而言,在小句間的「過」約有34.72%扮演前景;擴大篇章後,僅剩20.00%仍維持前景功能。再者,「過」做為體標記時,除了常見的「V +過+O」的句式外,「V +O+過」的例子也有11.11%,相對於華與的0.42%,高出許多;而且這種特殊句式中,有高達62.50%是擔任前景功能,反觀「V +過+O」僅有34.72%,或許這兩種不同語序代表歷史演變過程中不同階段,但在現代閩南語卻有分工的現象。
Aspect has been the focal topic in the researches of Chinese temporal category, and it is the same in the field of dialectology. There are a lot of literatures on le and zhe, but we will focus on guo in Taiwanese Min in this paper. First, among the collected 1772 guo's, most of tokens are used as a verb, and only 4.06% as an experiential aspect marker; it is maybe due to there are “pat/bat” to perform such function, and the construction of “pat/bat +V+O” is a kind of reinforcement. Second, from the perspective of text grammar, there is 34.72% used in foregrounding in short texts. After broadening the text size, 20.00% of the original foregrounding aspect markers remain used in foregrounding. In the comparison between Taiwanese Min and Taiwanese Mandarin based on the corpus, we found the form of V+O+guo appears more frequently in Taiwanese Min(11.11%) than in Taiwanese Mandarin.
起訖頁 99-118
關鍵詞 語意變遷比喻詞原型認知認知經濟semantic changemetaphorprototypecognitioncognitive economy
刊名 臺灣語文研究  
期數 201503 (10:1期)
出版單位 台灣語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 泉州閩南語的「乞」、「度」、「傳」、「與」及其可能演變




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