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The Perfective Aspect in Hǎilù Hakka in Taiwan
作者 遠藤雅裕
海陸客語表有關完整(perfective)的體貌時,用三種方式:一是用動詞後置成份「tʰet5」(完結體);二是用句末成份「le53」(完成體);三是無專職標記(完整體)。「tʰet5」是動詞後置的完結體(completive)標記,表示動作的結束以及實現。這個標記是一個保留實詞義而尚未徹底語法化的動相詞(phase)。「le5 3」是表完成體(anterior)且表情態的句末標記,相當於標準華語的句末成份「了」。和「tʰet5」相比,這個標記更加語法化,是一個專職標記。標準華語的「了」的詞義是「界限達成」,「完成」或「實現」的詞義由語境而產生(劉綺紋2006)。海陸客語的「le53」也具有這種特色。最值得關注的是沒有任何專職標記而表示完整體的句子。這種句子必須要有表示內在終點(telic)的語詞。類似的現象亦可零星見於其他南方漢語之中。可以說是一種較為普遍的現象。
This paper investigates how Hǎilù Hakka expresses the perfective aspect. There are two main ways to realize the perfective aspect. The first uses aspect markers, and the second does not use any markers at all. At present there are at least two markers of the perfective aspect in this language. One is thet5, and the other is le53. thet5 is a completive aspect marker which follows the predicate and which represents the completion or realization of an action. This marker has not been fully grammaticalized, because it still retains contentive meaning as with the example of ‘vanish'. le53 is an anterior aspect marker that also acts as a kind of modality marker, similar to le in standard Mandarin Chinese, and is located at the end of the sentence. The perfective aspect in a sentence can also be represented without any specific aspect marker. This style however needs a kind of endpoint, such as numerical expressions or other types of complement, in order to realize the perfective aspect.
起訖頁 37-52
關鍵詞 植物固定語式台語植物比喻詞語意學喻體喻意人生觀Botanical fixed expressionsTaiwanese plant metaphorsmetaphorical vehiclesmetaphorical tenorsCognitive Semantics
刊名 臺灣語文研究  
期數 201003 (5:1期)
出版單位 台灣語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 泰雅語的語言活力與語言復振──以司馬庫斯及竹東為例
該期刊-下一篇 客語人稱與人稱領格來源的小稱思維




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