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Survey on Zhao-an Dialect of Hakka in Zhuang-wei Township, Yi-lan County
作者 吳中杰
Zhao-an dialect of Hakka was once spread widely all around Taiwan in Ch'ing Dynasty. Most of the villages speaking this tongue have gradually been extinct nowadays, and the well-known residues lie on both Tao-yuan and Yun-lin Counties, which attracts many linguists to conduct their research there. However, Zhao-an speakers in Zhuang-wei Township, Yi-lan County have never been noticed until discovered by a senior local press. The author had investigated there since 2005 to 2007, established its sound inventory through the survey charts of Chinese characters and daily vocabularies. Following the phonological framework of ancient Chinese, and also by making comparisons among related dialects, we unveiled remarkable unique features of Zhuang-wei. Some of them are relatively conservative, keeping the same form as in Zhao-an County, Fu-jian Province; different from the speakers in Yun-lin. Meanwhile, parts of the features are innovative, both phonologically and morphologically, but not overwhelmingly influenced by the dominant local dialect of Southern Min. It is heuristic when Zhuang-wei acts differently from related dialects in division III and IV words of shan rhyme-group. Finally, a brief sketch is made on the language use of those Zhao-an speakers in the whole Yi-lan County.
起訖頁 215-237
關鍵詞 訓讀字假借字音讀歌仔冊漢羅體semantic loan charactersphonetic loan charactersphonetic annotation with homophoneslibrettophonetic annotation of Chinese characters with Roman letters
刊名 臺灣語文研究  
期數 200901 (3:1期)
出版單位 台灣語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 漢、英、日複合詞的對比分析:分類、結構與衍生
該期刊-下一篇 台北地區閩南語的方言類型與方言分區




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