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The Vowel System Change and the Yin-/Yang-entering Tonal Variations in Taiwanese Hokkien
作者 陳淑娟 (Shu-Chuan Chen)
This study aims to probe the vowel system change and the Yin-/Yang-entering monosyllabic tonal variations in Taiwanese Hokkien. In the first part, we analyze the variations of the vowel system in Taiwanese Hokkien by means of a wordlist investigation into eleven dialects in this language, and bring forth variational rules as accords phonological symmetry and adaptive dispersion theory. Our research tells that there exists asymmetry in the six-vowel system /i, e, a, u, o, ç/ by the fact that /o/ and /ç/ as two vowel systems are too close to be distinguished from each other. This fact results in an on-going divergence of two prestigious variations. One refers to a six-vowel system that we are having particularly in Tai-nan and Kao-hsiung, and the other refers to a five-vowel system where /o/ and /ç/ might merge into one in such areas as Da-niu-lan and Jen-tse. In the second part, we find that different codas consequentiate different realizations of the Yin-entering and Yang-entering monosyllabic tonal variations. With a glottal stop, a monosyllabic Yang-entering tone tends to become a mid-long one in some dialects, while it can also become a mid-short tone as in the case of a Yin-entering one in other dialects; still in other dialects, the two tonal variations happen to coexist. When the coda is [-p], [-t] or [-k], sporadic mergence happens between Yang-entering and Yin-entering tones. To sum up, this current study contributes both to finding two subtypes of the vowel system change in Taiwanese Hokkien, and to clarifying the way in which the Yin-entering and Yang-entering monosyllabic tonal variations are realized as the coda varies dynamically with its lexical diffusion in this language.
起訖頁 157-178
關鍵詞 情態副詞主要語認可義務情態認知情態說話者導向情態modal adverbheadlicensedeontic modalityepistemic modalityspeaker-oriented modality
刊名 臺灣語文研究  
期數 200901 (3:1期)
出版單位 台灣語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 〈兒子的大玩偶〉中語篇的銜接與連貫
該期刊-下一篇 漢、英、日複合詞的對比分析:分類、結構與衍生




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