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The Condition and speed of Phonological Transition: The Historical Change of Yang Rhyme in Taiwanese Southern Min and the Connection with the Modern Chinese Dialect History
作者 程俊源
In the course of sound change, the nasal-consonantal codas of ancient Yang rhyme in Taiwanese Southern Min go along differently. On the one hand, they are nasalized only when undergo outer transition. This phenomenon can keep track with other Chinese dialects, such as Cantonese, Jin dialect, Xiang dialect, and Huei dialect, and parallels with Tong-tai languages. On the other hand, the inner transition of non-low vowels triggers the intrusiveness of medial [-i], and then draws a line to outer transition cases. The change of ancient Zhuang-initials differentiates the inner or outer transition of Jiang-huai Mandarin. The retroflex marks the outer transition cases; while the inner ones remain unchanged. To expound those issues, the paper consists of seven sections as follows:1. Introduction 2. Literature Review and Discussion 3. Vowel length and inner / outer transition 4. Modern Chinese dialects and inner / outer transition 5. The phonological change of inner transition 6. The change of Zhuang-initials and inner / outer transition 7. Conclusion.
起訖頁 221-263
關鍵詞 潮州話文獻學閩南語戲文潮州方言詞彙Ch’ao-chou dialectSouthern Min classical theaterphilologylexicology
刊名 臺灣語文研究  
期數 200401 (2:1期)
出版單位 台灣語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 蕭麗紅小說的語言建構與鄉土想像
該期刊-下一篇 客語中與時貌相關的兩個語詞




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