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Analyzing the Amendment Made to the Social Order Maintenance Act - Also Profiling whether the 'Social Order Maintenance Act' should be Preserved or Abolished
作者 傅美惠林燦都
The Social Order Maintenance Act has on May 19, 2010 and November 14, 2011 undergone two minor amendments since it was on June 29, 1991 initially promulgated (and took effect on July 1, 1991) with concerns that some of the provisions were pronounced to run against the constitution or reach the dual human rights conventions. By weighing the rapidly evolving social phenomena at present, the government agencies' administrative power is expanding, the legal awareness and political status have also progressed significantly, rendering the critical makeup elements of some provisions to lack concise clarity and also deemed outdated to meet the present social needs, and the current academic trends. With many of the provisions deemed to conflict with other peripheral laws and regulations, and that some are also deemed as irrational or mutually conflicting, there is a pressing need for an overall review and amendment of the legislature to better meet the need of the present time. The reason some critics assert that Taiwan's Social Order Maintenance Act need to be preserved rests on the concern how the Social Order Maintenance Act is showing signs of revival in recent years, as it offers supplementary and loophole mending functions to some of the emerging disorderly conducts; moreover, in consideration of legal stability and avoiding a legal window period, there is still value to preserve the Social Order Maintenance Act for its incremental mission. Moreover, the reason that some other critics argue how Taiwan's Social Order Maintenance Act ought to be abolished lies in how it conflicts yet coincides with the Administrative Penalty Act, as it only stands to disrupt the judicial system's penal system and grievance (compensatory) proceeding that lacks proper safeguard but only adds to the judicial burden, and depletes judicial resources. There are pros and cons in terms of whether the Social Order Maintenance Act ought to be preserved or abolished, while there should also be certain merit why it should be preserved, and also a just cause why it should be abolished. This prompts the ultimate dilemma in terms of how best to further compare, analyze and further delve into examining the grounds for preserving or abolishing the legislature, which will offer some useful references in amending the Social Order Maintenance Act in the future.
起訖頁 129-181
關鍵詞 社會秩序維護法行政罰預防性羈押違序行為除罰化Social Order Maintenance Act administrative penaltypreventive detentiondisorderly conductdecriminalization
刊名 財產法暨經濟法  
期數 201306 (34期)
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
該期刊-上一篇 論勞資爭議仲裁機制




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