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Evaluating the Environmental Impact Assessment Policies in Taiwan through SEA Directives of European Commission
作者 陳惠美
我國實施環評的案例多屬於開發行為環評。開發行為環評由於層級較低,適用時點較晚,難以有效發揮環評的功能。而策略環評的層級較高,適用時點較早,可以彌補開發行為環評的缺點,對於落實永續發展的意義重大。目前在歐盟的環境政策中,策略環評是保障永續發展的重要手段。我國行政院環保署雖早已根據環境影響評估法第 26 條陸續發布「政府政策環境影響評估作業辦法」等,據以實施政策環評,惟其實行時流於形式、空泛,執行成效不彰。其根本原因在於政策環評相關法規不夠完備,鑑於歐盟策略環評法制設計較為完善,因此本文根據歐盟策略性環境評估指導準則來檢視我國政策環評相關法規,期能釐清我國政策環評相關法規所存在的缺點,並進一步提出修法的建議,以作為我國改善政策環評法制之參考。
In Taiwan, environmental impact assessment (EIA) is conducted mostly for development projects. It is a lower ranking activity and the applicable point comes in later during the process, which makes it ineffective. On the other hand, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has a higher ranking with earlier application point, which can mitigate the drawbacks of EIA for development activities, and more significant towards sustainability. For environmental policies in the European Union, SEA is a key measure for ensuring sustainability. Although the Environmental Protection Administration of Legislative Yuan already implemented regulations such as Regulations Governing Government Policies on Environmental Impact Assessment, which is based on Article 26 of Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the implementation has fallen as a formality and has been ineffective. The fundamental reason is that regulations concerning policy EIA are inadequate. In comparison, the SEA Directive for the European Commission is rather comprehensive. Therefore, regulations concerning policy EIA in Taiwan will be examined in this study based on the SEA Directive of European Commission to identify the deficiencies in current regulations and propose recommendations for policy amendment to improve policies EIA in Taiwan.
起訖頁 83-133
關鍵詞 政策環境影響評估(策略環境影響評估)環境影響評估政策計畫方案永續發展Strategic Environmental AssessmentSEAEnvironmental Impact AssessmentEIApolicyplanprogramsustainable development
刊名 臺北大學法學論叢  
期數 201312 (88期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學法律學院
該期刊-上一篇 全球憲政主義之興起--典範競逐觀點的初步考察
該期刊-下一篇 由德國員工參與法制探討我國員工獎勵制度的相關法律問題--以公司法為中心




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