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Connection between Standard of Penalty Measurement and Attitude after Crime
作者 林伯樺
When a person who have been confirmed that he or she had offended against law, he or she must accept a particular legal result. In mostly legal systems, the forms of criminal law adopt the relativistic legal doctrine and therefore judgments of courtsis essential to build the legal result. When courts attempt making judgments, the criminal's attitudes and actions after committing the crimes become a kind of the most important facts which is considered by courts. Therefore, mostly legal systems have stipulated that one's attitudes and actions after committing the crimes must be thought over by courts when attempting making judgments. In the criminal law of our country, it's also had the same rule at article 57. According to above, the criminal's attitudes and actions after committing the crimes are often considered when the courts of our country making decision of the punishments for crime and therefore it's so important to check the practice of consideration to criminal's attitudes and actions after committing the crimes for courts.
起訖頁 60-126
關鍵詞 量刑犯罪後態度量刑基準量刑事由責任預防Measurement of PenaltyAttitude after CrimeStandard of Penalty MeasurementReason of Penalty MeasurementResponsibilityPrevention of Crime
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊  
期數 201405 (43期)
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 裁判員制度下民主主義與自由主義之體現--以日本最高法院之裁判員制度合憲判決為出發
該期刊-下一篇 論醫療上病患「自主決定權」之憲法地位--以宗教信仰為由拒絕輸血案判決為例




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