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The Effects of Prestudy Material Types on Students' Prestudy Engagement and Learning Outcomes in Flipped Classrooms
作者 王豐緒
Preclass study, which requires students to study before class to acquire the basic knowledge for class activities to be held, is a crucial activity in flipped classrooms. Accordingly, this study used different types of prestudy materials to investigate whether said material types had varying effects on students' engagement in preclass studies and learning outcomes. This study recruited students from two classes in a university department as the study participants, and divided them into an experimental group (59 students) and a control group (54 students). The experimental group was given interactive video materials as the prestudy materials, whereas the control group was given projector slides as the prestudy materials. A digital platform called Moodle was utilized to record the amount of time the students spent accessing prestudy materials, which served as their learning process data. The experimental results showed that although preclass study material types had no significant effect on either the students' prestudy engagement or learning outcomes, interactive video materials did have a positive effect on prestudy engagement. The experimental results also showed that for both student groups, prestudy engagement time decreased every week. Teachers are recommended to enhance their cheating-prevention measures when implementing prestudy mechanisms and introduce other incentives to help students remain engaged in preclass study. Future studies may examine whether students' prestudy has an indirect effect on their learning outcome via their engagement in the classroom activities, and whether learning motivation has an effect on prestudy engagement.
起訖頁 115-138
關鍵詞 重複測量的廣義估計方程式模型課前預習學習投入翻轉教室generalized estimating equation model for repeated measurementspreclass studylearning engagementflipped classrooms
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 201909 (2:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 問題導向學習教學在國際行銷課程之應用與實踐




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