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Looking through My Fly's-Eye View: Chan Tze-woon's Documentary of the 2014 Umbrella Movement
Looking through My Fly's-Eye View: Chan Tze-woon's Documentary of the 2014 Umbrella Movement
作者 Kenny K. K. Ng (Kenny K. K. Ng)
When pursuing a Master's Degree in film production at the Hong Kong Baptist University, Chan Tze-woon made two short films, “The Aqueous Truth” (2013) and “Being Rain: Representation and Will” (2014). Both are mockumentaries about state conspiracy and are intended to challenge the lack of government transparency and accountability in Hong Kong. In September 2014, Chan picked up his camera to join and film the protests of young students and eventually filmed 1,000 hours' worth of footage of the Umbrella Movement, from which he produced his first documentary, Yellowing (2016). In Yellowing, Chan forsakes the grand narrative of political and social interpretations, and shuns interviewing political activists or political celebrities who receive international media attention. His camera revolves around committed young rebels as individuals, catching their spontaneous responses and desires, idealisms and passions, hopes and fears, frustrations and contradictions, from a “fly's-eye view.” This article explores how a documentarist attempts to see beyond the narrow vision of the particulars and contingencies of human actions. It discusses the ethics and politics of truth-telling in the reconstructed world of a documentary as found in many fly's-eye-view accounts. The study reconsiders the provocative power of artifice and the authenticity of documentary-making.
起訖頁 89-117
關鍵詞 documentaryhistorical filmidentificationmockumentaryUmbrella MovementYellowing
刊名 Ex-position  
期數 201912 (42期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 The Ten Years Phenomenon: Promises and Perils of Politically Engaged Cinema in Hong Kong
該期刊-下一篇 Of Activism and the Land: Ecological and Utopian Visions of Post-Handover Hong Kong Documentaries




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