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Writing in My Voice: Four Modalities of Myth-Writing in Taiwanese Indigenous Sinophone Literature
Writing in My Voice: Four Modalities of Myth-Writing in Taiwanese Indigenous Sinophone Literature
作者 Dirk Kuhlmann (Dirk Kuhlmann)
This article treats the creative process of indigenous authors of Taiwan adapting various myths of their peoples in their Sinophone literary writings. Analyzing selected fictional works by Syaman Rapongan, Husluman Vava, Neqou Soqluman, and Badai, as well as a poem by Salizan Takisvilainan, I will discuss the authors' motivation for tapping into the mythology of their people in the quest for their individual authorial voice. A guiding question of this article is to what extent this recourse to traditional materials corresponds with a trend among indigenous Taiwanese authors of writing in their own voice, as Paelabang Danapan (Sun Tachuan) has proposed. I will discuss these adaptations of myths in light of a fourmodality framework of myth-writing: myth as heritage, myth as lived tradition, myth as expression of human experience, and myth as source of inspiration.
起訖頁 29-51
關鍵詞 mythmyth-writingcultural identity/iespersonal vs. communal perspectivesSinophone indigenous literatureTaiwan
刊名 Ex-position  
期數 201912 (42期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 Imaginary Conquests: Folktales, Film, and the Japanese Empire in Asia
該期刊-下一篇 Satirical Fantasy and Idiom Literalization in Zhang Henshui's A New Tale of Killing Ghosts




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