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Japanese Foreign Labor Policy and the Construction of a '' Specified Skilled Worker System'': Centered on the Revision of the 2018 Immigration Law
作者 林良榮 (Liang-Jung Lin)蕭嫚琳
Due to the ageing population, besides increasing manufacturing productivity and ensuring national labor force, from Dec. 2018 Japan has eased immigration rules and created a new system, “Specified Skilled Worker” , for foreign blue-collar workers. Under the new system, over next 5 years more than 340,000 foreigners could be allowed to work in 14 sectors facing a labor crunch. This has been the first time that Japan positively recruits the low-skilled workers from other countries. In addition to the industrial aspects, considering various labor or human rights disputes arising from Technical Intern Training Program, the ''Special Skilled Worker'' system is also designed new measures such as registration support agencies and support programs in order to ensure the foreign blue-collar workers be protected by labor and social law. At the same time, it amended the regulation for human resources agency to eliminate intermediate exploitation, especially from Cross-national human resources agency. On the other hand, with the implementation of Specified Skilled Worker systems, the government of Japan has also begun to plan comprehensive measures for acceptance and coexistence of foreign human resources. The purpose of this strategy is to let foreign workers integrate smoothly and live in Japanese society. The measures are including, improving Japanese language education, integrating public services, promoting the enrollment for social insurance, supporting the development in local society, and maintain the public order etc. However, the new system still has attracted few criticism, such as the restriction of period of residence, prohibition for dependent relative, abolishing Technical intern training program, the effect of regulation preventing intermediate exploitation, and the vague in comprehensive measures. The follow-up development of the system is still worthy of further observation.
起訖頁 165-196
關鍵詞 日本外籍藍領勞工出入國管理及難民認定法特定技能制度技能實習制度Japan's foreign blue-collar workerImmigration control and refugee recognition actSpecified skilled workerTechnical intern training program
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201906 (27:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 以人工智慧技術建構職業訓練課程推介模型研究




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