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勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Inestigation of Middle-aged and Elderly People return to the Workplace
作者 馬財專藍科正吳啟新林淑慧林晉勗黃春長鄭淑芳劉又升陳威穎
There are many difficulties for middle-aged and elderly people return to the labor market after continuing employment or exiting in Taiwan. This paper analyzes and analyzes the data in the labor market through literature analysis and in-depth interviews, and directly reviews the relevant suggestions for assisting middle-aged people to return to the workplace. The main findings of the study are: 1. Analysis of the reemployment advantage of middle-aged and elderly people: the industry is seriously short of work, providing many job opportunities for middle-aged and elderly people, the mechanism for returning after retirement, the arrangement of acceptable flexible work, and the high degree of tolerance. Employment participation is relatively stable, and it is willing to accept the work arrangement and the willingness to cooperate in localization, which can save training costs. 2. Analysis of the disadvantages of middle-aged and elderly people in employment: cross-domain employment ability and willingness to lower, need to be redesigned by job to introduce work participation, easy to generate occupational disasters, easy to produce problems in workplace transformation, difficult and scientific tools produce a harmonic. 3. The project of friendly workplace for middle-aged and elderly people: enterprises have corporate social responsibility, high humanized management and high empathy, the concept and cognition of middle-aged people, and the public sector is willing to hire senior workers after retirement. In addition, the important research findings for the above-mentioned middle-aged people find that the following important policy recommendations are summarized: (1) Middle-aged employment mainly needs to think about how to help them return to the labor market, including involuntary unemployment and retirement of senior citizens. Return to the labor market. And the cross-employment labor participation in the workplace to create employment transformation. (2) Middle-aged employment promotion must pay special attention to the inertia of employment participation caused by its return to the workplace, and must actively assist them to overcome psychological and technical obstacles. (3) The level of OECD production, including the inspection of employment willingness, the assistance of skilled workers, and the friendly workplace environment that should be constructed from the government and enterprise endpoints. Through active workplace re-design and collaboration with Qingyin to guide their workplace participation. (4) In the design of the system for the retirement of elderly people in business, they must pay attention to the analysis of the industrial structure that they may correspond to. (5) It is necessary to pay more attention to the differences in the different age groups among middle-aged and older people, because there are actually quite different dilemmas and needs in the older branches.
起訖頁 133-148
關鍵詞 中高齡者友善職場職務再設計青銀共創Middle-agedFriendly workplaceJob redesignYoung entrepreneurs and tetiress co-innvation
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201906 (27:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 台灣醫院企業社會責任報告之職業安全衛生實踐和揭露
該期刊-下一篇 以人工智慧技術建構職業訓練課程推介模型研究




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