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Home Care Experience of Caring for an Elderly with a Sense of Hopelessness
作者 鄭燕清
This article presented a nursing experience of caring a bedridden elderly man who fell down in autumn 2015. This patient's hopelessness presented as depressive and passive emotion, straight face, and aphagia. These negative behaviors came from physical disability and pressure sore which caused by insufficient family supportive system and incorrect care skills. The nursing care period was from Nov, 4, 2016 to Apr. 26, 2017. The methods included exampling physical characteristics, discussions, and observations. After data analyses and a complete evaluation, the main health problems were listed below: 1. a sense of hopelessness, 2. impaired skin integrity, and 3. tensions in health caregiver. The family and I made individualized nursing care policies during this period, including listening to patient's inner thoughts, expressing concerns and sympathy of caregivers before nursing procedures, conducting routine telephone interviews, observing wound conditions by a communication media, encouraging his family to accept this patient's distressed mood, providing a relaxing program for his foreign caregiver by offering home country television programs and providing a series of nursing care skill pictures and videos in Indonesian. The major outcomes included: 1. enabling the patient's son cooperate as a competent care giver and a bridge for interpersonal communication, 2. promoting nonverbal communicational skills and abilities, 3. providing an effective plan to improve care quality, 4. improving willingness to food intake, increasing physical activities, and facilitating pressure sore healing processes, and thus enhancing the quality of life and family completeness of the patient.
起訖頁 526-537
關鍵詞 居家護理無望感壓瘡跌倒home carehopelessnesspressure ulcersfall
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201912 (30:4期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 提升家庭及外籍照顧者對於重度失智者管灌營養之正確認知率
該期刊-下一篇 運用關懷理論於一位年輕女性面對永久性迴腸造口之護理經驗




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