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Using the ''Shen、Tong、Guang、Da'' Strategy to Reduce Incidental Falls in the Neurological Wards
作者 洪秀姎葉淑玲 (Shu-Ling Yeh)徐琦溦駱佳宜林幼麗 (Yu-Li Lin)
Patients with neurological disease usually manifest with gait instability, blurred vision, dizziness, disturbance of consciousness, and other symptoms, thus increasing the risk of incidental falls. A survey from January to June 2016 showed that the incidence of falls was as high as 0.108%. Risk factors include poor patient compliance, among shift caregivers, inadequate handover of fall prevention information inadequate fall prevention awareness, the lack of fall prevention equipment. The present project uses the strategy slogan of ''Shen, Tong, Guang, Da''. The Shen (Neurological) means to develop the neurological fall prevention instructions, registration form, reminder card, posters, and group health education service. The Tong (Report) means to apply a bed-exit alarm system in the ward. Guang (Comprehensive) means to provide comprehensive evaluation of fall prevention ability and frequently check the environment and equipment, such as bed rails, protection mats, and wheelchair seat belts. Da (Team) means to team up everyone to participate in fall prevention. Through these strategies, the incidence of incidental falls decreased from 0.108% to 0.023% and the injury rate fell from 31.9% to 27.3%. Also, the concept of falling prevention was strengthened, fall prevention measures were implemented and patient safety was improved.
起訖頁 485-497
關鍵詞 神經科跌倒發生率跌倒傷害率neurologyfall incidencefall injury rate
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201912 (30:4期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 提升心臟外科加護病房護理人員譫妄評估執行率
該期刊-下一篇 提升血腫科病房護理人員善終準備執行率




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