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The True Self: The Effect of Relationships on the Expression of Chinese Authenticity
作者 孫蒨如陳政裕
本研究目的在於探討華人對真實自我展現的看法。由於「真實自我」在華人研究中較少受到關注,因此我們以Kernis(2003)所定義的真實自我作為參考,進行前置研究,隨後以兩個研究來檢驗華人對真實自我的看法。研究一為2(觸發自我:相依我vs.獨立我)×2(親近程度:高vs.低)×2(自我相關訊息向度:正向vs.負向)×2(訊息接受程度:高vs.低)四因子混合設計,其中自我訊息向度為參與者內變項,主要依變項為展現真實自我的程度。結果顯示,面對親近他人給予的自我訊息接受程度較高者才會被視為較具有真實自我;而對陌生他人所給予的負向訊息,接受程度低者才是展現了真實自我。研究二則為2(觸發自我:獨立我vs.相依我)×2(親近程度:高vs.低)×(行為調整程度:高vs.低)三因子參與者間設計。分析結果顯示相較於觸發獨立我者,觸發相依我者傾向認為他人均展現了真實自我。而在關係親密程度低的情境下,行為調整程度低比調整程度高者更被視為是展現了真實自我。整體而言,本研究顯示華人對真實自我的看法受到關係的影響,面對親近他人所出現的行為調整變化仍會被視為是真實自我的展現。 The present research was designed to investigate the Chinese authenticity. Kernis (2003) defined authenticity as “the unobstructed operation of one's true or core self in one's daily enterprise”. However, the topic hasn't been explored in Chinese culture. Therefore, based on the Authenticity Inventory (Kernis & Goldman, 2005) and the concept of social-oriented self-actualizers proposed by Yang (2003), we conducted experiments to explore the concept of Chinese authenticity. In Study 1, one hundred and six participants were assigned to a 2 (prime: independent self vs. interdependent self)×2 (guanxi-closeness: good friend vs. acquaintance)×2 (the degree of acceptance: high vs. low)×2 (self-relevant information: positive vs. negative) mixed design, with the last variable as a within factor. The main dependent measure was the degree of authenticity. The result indicated that low acceptance of negative evaluation from an acquaintance would be considered as more authentic. In Study 2, one hundred and twenty-one participants were assigned to a 2 (prime: independent self vs. interdependent self ×2 (guanxi-closeness: good friend vs. acquaintance)×2 (the degree of compromise: high vs. low) between-subjects design. The result showed a significant three-way interaction, participants who were primed with independent self would rate behavior that showed low compromise to an acquaintance as more authentic. To sum up, this present study indicated that Chinese authenticity is more complicated than Kernis (2003) was defined. Chinese people often take “guanxi” into consideration when they decide how to act in different situations, and this doesn't violate their concept of authenticity.
起訖頁 157-206
關鍵詞 自我訊息向度行為調整相依我真實自我親近程度獨立我authenticitybehavioral compromiseguanxiindependent selfinterdependent selfself-relevant information
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 201906 (49期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 萬法不離自性:誠意面對黃光國難題的答客問
該期刊-下一篇 本土夫妻共識形成與情感增溫──以參與式行動研究深化家庭理論建構與教育實踐




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