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A Preliminary Study on International Regulations Concerning Marine Environment and Biological Diversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction
作者 陳貞如 (Jen-Ru Chen)
Following rapid developments in global shipping, fishing skills and marine technology, humans have gained greater access to the Areas beyond National Jurisdiction and thus use these areas’ respective resources. Thus, it has been necessary to adopt a set of new regulations. Upon a series of research and negotiations, the United Nations finally came to the consensus to adopt a resolution for a new implementation agreement under the UNCLOS framework. In September 2018, formally initiated were legislative negotiations. Upon analyses of modern international regulations including both global and regional ones, emerged have been such regulations’ shortcomings and bottlenecks. On the basis of current regulations and mechanisms’ various analyses and experiences, the new regulations should (from more holistic and integrated views) solve gaps rooted from the governance based on the maritime zonal approach and regulate all different pollutants’ sources. Via a framework agreement’s establishment, the new regulations can thus catch up with the developments of new environmental issues and standards. Needed as well is the establishment of a more effective implementation mechanism to solve the flag State jurisdiction’s ineffectiveness and to constrain the non-party States’ behaviors.
起訖頁 9-41
關鍵詞 國家管轄範圍以外地區海洋保護區公海自由「區域」國際海事組織Areas beyond National JurisdictionMarine Protected AreasFreedom of the High Seasthe AreaInternational Maritime Organization
刊名 台灣國際法學刊  
期數 201812 (15:1期)
出版單位 臺灣國際法學會
該期刊-下一篇 「民族自決權」能否抗拒「普世人權」的要求?:對瓦爾澤(Michael Walzer)以「自決」反對「人道干預」之批判




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