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Cross-Language Text Filtering Based on Text Concepts and kNN
作者 蘇偉峰李紹滋李堂秋尤文建
The WWW is increasingly being used source of information. The volume of information is accessed by users using direct manipulation tools. It is obviously that we'd like to have a tool to keep those texts we want and remove those texts we don't want from so much information flow to us. This paper describes a module that sifts through large number of texts retrieved by the user. The module is based on HowNet, a knowledge dictionary developed by Mr. Zhendong Dong. In this dictionary, the concept of a word is divided into sememes. In the philosophy of HowNet, all concepts in the world can be expressed by a combination more than 1500 sememes. Sememe is a very useful concept in settle the problem of synonym which is the most difficult problem in text filtering. We classified the set of sememes into two sets of sememes: classfiable sememes and unclassficable semems. Classfiable sememes includes those sememes that are more We made use of documents from eight different users in our experiments. All these users provides texts both in Chinese and English. We took into account the user's feedback and got a result of about 88 percent of recall and precision. It demonstrates that this is a success method.
起訖頁 79-90
關鍵詞 可分義原向量空間kNN文本表示知網Classfiable SememeVector SpacekNNText RepresentationHow Net
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2002 (2002期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學輔導與諮商研究所
該期刊-上一篇 一種基於知網的語義排歧模型研究




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