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Automatically Controlled-Vocabulary Indexing for Text Retrieval
作者 Kuang-hua Chen (Kuang-hua Chen)Chien-tin Wu (Chien-tin Wu)
The IR society has made efforts in free-term indexing for a long time. By contrast, few efforts are made in controlled-vocabulary indexing. A new model for controlled-vocabulary indexing is proposed in this paper. This proposed model, TF×OSDF×CSIDF, distinguishes subject-specific words from common words and domain-specific words in documents. 60,400 MEDLINE records are used as training data and testing data and 100 MeSH subject headings are used as the testing controlled vocabularies. The preliminary experiments show good results. The precision and the recall concurrently exceed 90% using abstracts as training materials. The precision reaches 90% and the recall still keeps at 70% using title only. The problem of indexer's consistency could be alleviated using the proposed model to automatically generate index terms.
起訖頁 171-185
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 1999 (1999期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學輔導與諮商研究所
該期刊-上一篇 Term Selection with Distributional Clustering for Chinese Text Categorization using N-grams
該期刊-下一篇 A New Syllable-Based Approach for Retrieving Mandarin Spoken Documents Using Short Speech Queries




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