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A Large-Vocabulary Taiwanese (Min-nan) Speech Recognition System Based on Inter-syllabic Initial-Final Modeling and Lexicon-Tree Search
作者 Ren-Yuan LyuYuang-Jin Chiang (Yuang-Jin Chiang)Ren-Jou Fang (Ren-Jou Fang)Wen-Ping Hsieh (Wen-Ping Hsieh)
In this paper some preliminary work about Taiwanese (Min-nan) speech recognition research has been done and described. Also, we report some pioneer experimental results on an initial study about a large-vocabulary (with 20 thousand words) Taiwanese multi-syllabic word recognition system. For the speaker dependent case, 9.4% word error rate is achieved. A real-time prototype system implemented on a Pentium-II personal computer running MS-Windows95/NT is also shown to validate the approaches proposed in this paper.
起訖頁 139-149
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 1998 (1998期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學輔導與諮商研究所
該期刊-上一篇 Speaker-Independent Continuous Mandarin Speech Recognition Under Telephone Environments
該期刊-下一篇 Using Keyword Spotting and Utterance Verification to a Prank Call Rejection System




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