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Recognizing Korean Unknown Proper Nouns by Using Automatically Extracted Lexical Clues
作者 Bong-Rae Park (Bong-Rae Park)Young-Sook Hwang (Young-Sook Hwang)Hae-Chang Rim (Hae-Chang Rim)
This paper presents a method of extracting lexical clues automatically from a very large corpus and recognizing unknown proper nouns by using those lexical clues. This method collects proper noun candidates from the raw corpus and extracts the lexical clues among the adjacent known words of the proper noun candidates. And then, it recognizes unknown nouns and determines whether the identified unknown noun is a proper noun or not by using its adjacent lexical clues. Experimental result shows that the proposed method can extract 1,416 lexical clues from about ten million word size corpus and can recognize unknown proper nouns in the test corpus in. 92% precision rate and 72% recall rate respectively.
起訖頁 345-356
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 1997 (1997期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學輔導與諮商研究所
該期刊-上一篇 Truncation on Combined Word-Based and Class-Based Language Model Using Kullback-Leibler Distance Criterion
該期刊-下一篇 Logical Operators and Quantifiers in Natural Language




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