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The Resource Logic of Complex Predicate Interpretation
作者 Mary Dalrymple (Mary Dalrymple)Angie Hinrichs (Angie Hinrichs)John Lamping (John Lamping)Vijay Saraswat (Vijay Saraswat)
Complex predicate constructions involve a mismatch between syntax and semantics: they are syntactically monoclausal, but involve a complex semantic structure. Mohanan (1993) gives the following definition of complex predicates: A COMPLEX PREDICATE construction is one in which two semantically predicative elements jointly determine the structure of a single syntactic clause. Consider the following example, due to Butt (1993a): (1) Anjum-ne Saddaf-ko. xat likhne diyaa. Anjum-ERG Saddaf-DAT letter-NOM write-INF-OBL let 'Anjum let Saddaf write a letter.' Butt (1993a) shows that the two semantically predicative elements likhne 'write' and diyaa 'permit' jointly make up a single complex predicate of a syntactically monoclausal sentence, while giving rise to a complex semantic representation.
起訖頁 3-21
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 1993 (1993期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學輔導與諮商研究所
該期刊-下一篇 The Linguistic Data Consortium




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