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Effect of Environment and Agro-climate on Physical Characters and Chemical Constituents of Various Orange Varieties in Taiwan
作者 嚴夢如林澤海
This study was undertaken mainly for the purpose of ascertaining the physical characters and chemical constituents in various varieties of sweet oranges (Citrus Senensis (L): OSBECK) as they mature on the tree and the influence of environmental and agro-climatic factors on the eating quality and food value of the citrus fruits. To approach the goal, systematic studies were made during two seasons, 1968/1969 and 1969/1970, in diffevent areas of this island, which were classified into seven agro-climate areas by Professor C. H., Chen, National Tatiwan University, and the Taiwan wenher Bureau. The varieties included were ”Sikan”, ”Golden Sceal orange”, ”Parson Brown”, ”Jaffa orange”, ”Pineapple orange”, ”Valencia orange”, ”Lue Gim Kong” and ”Dream Navel orange” all grown on Sunki (Citrus Sunki host) rootstocks. About 5-10 samples per orange tree from 2-3 orchards in each area were collected for the periodic analysis of physical characters and chemical constitunts. The results obtained may be summarized as follows: 1) Taipei area (Taipei city and Taipei Hsien) Due to high humidity and rainfall and comparatively low temperature in this area, fruits are small in size with thick rind. 2) Hsinchu area (Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli Hsien) This area often suffers from damages of monsoons, about 9-15m/sec, so fruits easily confract ”Canker1” diseases, and the fruit size is usually small as in the Taipei area. 3) Central area (Taichung, Changhwa and Nantou Hsien) This area is favored with more sunshine than other areas and absence of strong wind, so fruits are smooth and attractive in appearance. 4) Chia-Nan area (Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan city and Tainan Hsien) Because of high temperature, the rind of fruits is thin and juice abundant and very sweet, with excellent flavor and quality. 5) Kao-Ping area (Kaohsiung city, Kaohsiung Hsien and Pingtung Hsien) Due to high temperature, fruits matur early. 6) Kee-Yi area (Keelung city and Yi-lan Hsien) Because of low temperature and strong wind in the coastal areas, fruits easily get ”Cankar” diseases and the fruit size is as small as in the Taipei area. 7) Hwalien and Taitung Hsien areas Due to high temperature, in any ornge these areas, fruit rind is thin, texture fine juice tender and abundant.
起訖頁 313-319
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 197111 (17:6期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 Ethrel(2-chloroethylphosphonic acid)及Alar(B-Nine)對於胡瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)之生長和性型表現之影響
該期刊-下一篇 木瓜果實成熟度及其後熟作用對於種子發芽力之影響




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