中文摘要 |
柑桔係本省出產三大青果之一,僅次鳳梨,香蕉而佔第三位,就全省栽培面積言,1939年已達11,100公頃。近年來(1955-59)平均年產量達38,707,438公斤。栽植區可分北中南東四大區,栽植種類主要者,凡八大類。就全省適宜柑桔類生長之環境言,北部優於中郃,而中部優於南部,但以經濟立場和發育及成熟期言,則南部高屏地區遠優於北部與中部,實為此區柑桔栽培獨有之天然優裕條件,因而栽培面積,逐年有增,甚至有廢稻田而改種柑桔者,再就生產價格言,據1958年調查,屏東長治鄉有一果園栽植七年椪柑50株,包青獲利12,500元,同時南部柑桔成熟期又較北部提早1-2月,一般果商,每至採收期,爭先搶購,運往香港及北部地區。加以高屏柑桔栽培,平原較多,由於水源充沛,樹勢發育較快。由上觀之,南部柑桔只有成熟早,發育快,售價高三大特優之點,奠定此區柑桔事業之基礎,成為本省一特殊栽植區。 |
英文摘要 |
1.The main Plantings of citrus in South Taiwan are in the districts of Kaohsiung and Pingtung. Citrus trees are grown the year round but have four gre,wing seasons which are February, May, August and Decemoer. This vegetative growth is much more rapid and vigorous in February and May than in other months. 2.The longest growth of branches occurs in August the shortest in January as to varieties Valencia branches grow the longest (18.49cm), the shortest are the citrus Ponkan (14.32cm). 3.The tree which developes most rapidly and vigorously is the Pomelo The smallest and slowest to develope is the Washington Navel orange. 4.The inerease in size of the primary fruits is on an average of 0.8cm. monthJy. But of those nearest maturity. the increase in size is much slower. 5.Early matnrity rapid trees development and good Price the special characteristics of the citrus industry in Southern Taiwan. 6.LinCheng variety of citrus grows vigorously and rapidly with a high adaptation strength it may be broadly cultivated in Southern Taiwan. 7.Because of the heavy moisture in the atmosphere and too dry climate in dry season that plant diseases and insect pests are muc h heavier in South Taiwan than in the North anp Central regions. If we can effectively contra! these factors ID time, than we should be able to successfully reap one half of what we cnltivate. |