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A Study of the Effect of the Applicaffon of Nitfogen and Potash on the Growth and Yield of Leafy Vegetable
作者 林樂健
I.This experiment was conducted in the vegetable garden of the Department of Horticulture, Taiwan Provincial Chung Hsing University. Different quantities of nitrogen and potash fertilizers were applied for growing cabbage; the correlation was determined between the yield of leaves and the different rates of fertilizer application. II.The 4X4 Factorial Experimental design was used. The different levels of N-treatments were: (1) with no nitrogen (N0), (2) with 10 kg. nitrogen per O.1 hectare (N1), (3)with 15 kg. nitroge11 per 0.1 hectare (N2), and (4) with 20 kg. nitrogen per 0.1 hectare (Na). During the application, the above levels of nitrogen were combined with the following. potash levels: (1) with no potash (K0), (2) with 10 kg. potash per 0.1 hectare (K1), (3) with 15kg. potash per 0.1 hectare (Ka), and (4) with 20 kg. potash per 0.1 hectare (K8 ) . Besides the above mentioned fertilizers, 15 kg. of phosphorus were applied to each 0.1 hectare plot except the N0 and K0 plots. In total, there were 16 treatments, 4 blocks and 64 plots. Each 2 m plot contained 8 cabbage plants. III.The cabbage was planted in the seedbed on October 24, 1959. The designated fertilizer treatments were applied through a series of separate applications. The first application, made on November 24, consisted of 40% of the nitrogen, 80% of the phosphorus and 80% the potash mixed in the soil as a basic fertilizer. The secov.d application, made on January 4, 1960, consisted of 20% of the nitrogen. The third application, made o January 18, consisted of 20% of the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash. The final application, consisting. of 20% of the nitrogen, was made on February 1. The cabbage was transplanted on November 24, and harvested on February 27. IV.Field observations were made during the cabbage growing period. Much response was evident in the plots with fertilizer treatments, especially in the plots with higher amounts of nitrogen. The data taken at the first and second periods of measurement showed that the cabbages in the fields of N0-treatment grew slower, were a smaller size, and had a lighter coloring. The fields of Na-treatment showed faster growth and larger size plants. V.As a result from the records and the analysis of variance, tb.e application of nitrogen fertilizer in comparison with those without N fertilizer, gave a highly significa11t increase in the yield. The more the amount of N applied, the higher was the yield obtained, i.e. the N0, N1, N2, N3, treatments'showed a positive correlation. The difference in the net weight between N1 and N3 treatments was significant at the 1% level. The difference between N1, Ns, and N3 was very significant at the 1% level. VI.The treatment of K was not highly significant. This might have been tnfluenced by the presence of uncontrolled factors. None of the interaction of N and K was·significant. The analysis from the net. weight for the value of F was 1.24; i.e. 0.24 higher than the normal one . but this was not significant.
起訖頁 1-13
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 196203 (8:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-下一篇 越南蔬菜問題及其改良方法




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