中文摘要 |
1.本試驗以Manalee番茄為材料,在全省二地區分期播種,並用五種植物生長素配合成不同濃度及處理方法,以探討臺灣夏季高溫下番茄結果現象及植物生長素對番茄結果之影響(表1、2)2.臺灣夏季高溫致使番茄結果率顯著降低,氣溫愈高期其結果率愈低,而結果率降低之原因之一為授粉精困難,最顯著之原因為柱頭容易在開花前伸出花藥筒外,以致使授粉困難(表3、4、5及圖2)。3.植物生長素在夏季高溫期對促進番茄結果、產量均有極顯著之效果,但在適溫期則效果不顯著;其在夏季之效果依TRYLONE、TOMATOTONE、PCPA、2,4-D及TOMACON之順序前者高於後者。而對於增進果重方面,則以2,4-D之效果最大,TRYLONE之效果最少。各濃度及處理方法間並無顯著差異(表6,7,8,9)。4.植物生長素對番茄植株均有發生輕微藥害現象,藥害程度以愈高濃度在愈高溫期愈為明顯,其中以2,4-D之藥害最嚴生(圖4)。5.植物生長素處理對番茄果實有發生畸型、裂果及空心果之單為結果現象(圖5,6,7,8)。但在愈高溫期不良果之發生愈為嚴重,植物生長素中以2,4-D發生不良果最多,TRYLONE最少,且各植物生長素亦以高濃度者在高溫期較易發生(表10)。 |
英文摘要 |
1. This study was conducted in order to investigate the condition of tomato fruit set and the effect of plant growth reulators on tomato fruiting under summer high temperature in Taiwan. The Manalee variety of tomato was used and, sown on different date at Fengshan & Hsinchu, the south .& north part of Taiwan respectively (Table 2). The kinds of plant growth regulators, concentrations and method of treatment used in this experiment are shown in table 1. 2. It is condsidered that the fruit set of tomato during summer in Taiwan is very badly. As the higher temperature period we grow tomato, the lower percentage of fruit set we obtain. One of the causes of the poor- fruit set is attributed to the remarkable elongation of style with stigma elongated over the cone of anthers before flowering which affects the behavior of pollination and fertilization (Table 2, 4, 5 and Fig. 2). 3. The number of fruits, yields and fruit size were highly significant increased by treated with some plant growth regulators than untreated during summer high temperature condition, but non-significant were affected during the optimum temperature period. Among 5 kinds of plant growth regulators, arranged according to the’ effectiveness in increasing the fruit set as well as yield, -were TRYLONE, TOMATOTONE, PCPA, 2,4-D and TOMACON (Table 6, 7, 9). But 2,4-D was the best and TRYLONE was the poorest, and the other regulators lay between them in the effectiveness of increasing fruit size (Table 8). There are no difference among the concentrations of regulators and between the two methods of treatment. 4. The optimum temperature period always has the better result than summer high temperature period in fruit set, yield and fruit size of tomato in spite of treated with or without treated of regulators (Table 6, 7, 8, 9). 5. Slight injury of tomato plant (stunting, Fig. 4) was occured by treated with any regulator. However, the higher temperature period or the higher concentration of regulator was used, the heavier injury of plant was found, Among these regulators, 2,4-V might injure more easily than ortbers, 6. As the higher temperature condition we grew tomato or the higher concentration of regulator we used to treat on tomato, the higher percentage of abnormal shape, cracking and puffy parthenocarpic fruit we obtained (Table 10 and Fig. 5, 6, 7, 8). 2,4-V was the highest and TRYLONE was the lowest in increasing the percentage of abnormal fruit. |