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Study on the Effect of Timing of Irrigation on Yield and Quality Of Spring-maturing Pineapple During the Fruiting Period
作者 張雙滿
(一)本試驗為研究臺灣鳳梨春果低產現象,與春果結實期間之灌水效果,期獲知最適宜之灌水時期,以達成經濟有效之目標。(二)試驗於52年9月至53年5月在鳳山熱帶園藝試驗分所舉辦。(三)早春果(9月間處理電石,翌年4月成熟)於謝花後果貫生長至成熟期間(1-4月)行灌水最有效果,約可增加果重11-12%, 花芽分化期(9-10月)之灌水效果不著。(四)中期春果(10月處理電石,翌年5月成熟)在花芽分化前後(10-11月)行灌水,可增加小果數7-8%,因而亦增加果重。結實期間之灌水,亦使果重增加,惟依灌水期間之長短增加之程度不一,且有顯著之累積效果,全期灌水增產率達22-23%,後半期之灌水效果較前半期灌水者為佳。(五)春果在花芽分化前後及謝花後至成熟期間行灌水者,效果最大,產量增高,品貿亦好。誌謝:本研究之完成得國家長期發展科學委員會之補助,謹此誌謝。
1.This experiment investigates the cause for the lower productivity of the spring maturing fruits in the pineapples of Taiwan, and the effects of irrigation during the stage of the fruiting. Expecting to find out a suitable period of irrigation attains the economical objects. 2.Th experimentation had been administrated by Feng-shan Tropical Horticulture Experimental Station from September, 1963. to May, 1964. 3. Irrigation after the fading of the flowers that are during the stages of the developing of the fruits and the fruiting (Jan. to April) have the most significant effect, it can be increased the weight of fruits 11-12% on the early spring-maturing fruits (treated by Calcium Carbide in September, maturing in April, next year). Irrigation during the stage of floral initiation (September to Oct.) have the insignificant effect. 4. Irrigation around the stages of floral initiation (October to November) can be increased the number of fruitlets 7-8% on the mid Spring­maturing fruits (treated by Calcium Carbide in October, maturing in May, next year). Irrigation during the stage of the fruiting can be increased the weight of fruits and have an effective accumulation on the time of irrigation. The whole stage of the maturing-fruits to irrigate may be increased 22-23% and the later half of the stage is more effective than the former half of the stage. 5. Irrigation around the stages of floral initiation and after the fading of the flowers till the stage of maturing-fruits have the most effective, higher yields, and the best quality on the spring-maturing fruits.
起訖頁 41-46
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 196612 (12:3&4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 桶柑果實中柑果苷之檢出與其季節性之變化
該期刊-下一篇 龍眼樹之開花結果習性




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