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Grande Naine與北蕉香蕉品種生育特性之比較
Comparative Trial on the Growing Characteristics of Grande Naine and Pei-Chiao Banana Cultivars
作者 楊紹榮魏彥青李淑英
從宏都拉斯所引進之Grande Naine品種,經與臺蕉較矮品種北蕉比較觀察得知:Grande Naine 抽穗時之株高平均較北蕉矮13.7%;葉形比Grande Naine 為2.14,以2.0l~2.10分布最多,北蕉平均為2.19 ,以2.16~2.20所佔百分率教高;從種植至開花所需日數Grande Naine平均為182.2日,北蕉則為190.9日。從種植至採收Grande Naine平均比北蕉提前11.3日。兩品種之單株果手數目幾近相同,然單株果指數目及單株果重,以北蕉為多且重,(單株平均較重1.8kg),惟其差異性並不顯著。Grande Naine品種產生大把蕉及不整形蕉之比例較少;至兩品種之糖度及櫥架壽命均無大差異。兩品種對於黃葉病均不具抗病性。
A new banana cultivar 'Grande Naine' was introduced to Taiwan during 1974 in comparison with 'Pei-Chaio' cultivar on its agronomic performance. The latter is one of main cultivars growing in Taiwan. The mean height at shooting stage of Grande Naine (239.9 cm) during the first crop year was 13.7% shorter than that of Pei-Chiao (277.8 cm). The mean Teaf ratios were 2.14 and 2.19 for Grande Naine and Pei-Chiao respectively, and the ratios were mainly distributed at 2.01-2.10 and 2.16-2.20 for Grande Naine and Pei-Chiao respectively. The days from planting to shooting for Grande Naine (182.2 days) was 8.7 days earlier than that of Pei-Chiao (190.9 days). On the harvest, Grande Naine was 11.3 days earlier than that of Pei-Chaio. The number of hands per bunch was no difference between these two cultivars, while the fingers and weight per bunch for Pei-Chiao were 3.7 fingers more and 1.8 kg heavier than those of Grande Naine, but showed non-signficantly different to each other. The length of pedicel and finger for Grande Naine were shorter than that of Pei-Chiao. The percentage of over weighted (4.5 kg) and irregular hand for Grande Naine were less than that of Pei-Chiao. The water content of green and ripening banana fruits for Pei-Chiao was slighly higher than that of Grande Naine, but the Brix scale and shelf life were non-significantly different between these two cultivars. Further, both cultivars were susceptible to Panama disease caused by race 4 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubensc.
起訖頁 35-43
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 198101 (27:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 不同之氮肥施用量及施用時期對結球白菜抽苔期及採種量之影響




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