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Effects of Different Fertilization Methods with Reference to Labouring, Growth and Yield of Banana Plants
作者 柯立祥柯定芳
為暸解不同施肥方法對施肥人力,香蕉生長發育及產量之影響,曾就肥料溶於灌溉水;雨後或灌溉後,土壤仍濕時,撒施肥料;撒施;利用micropore-release packet fertilizer (MRPF 暫譯為“肥料細孔釋放包裝"),於中耕時一次埋入土中等不同施肥方法,與現行一般蕉農慣用之關溝施肥並覆土之方式,進行比較。結果顯示,蕉園施肥,將肥料溶於灌溉水或在雨後與灌溉後,畦間仍濕時在撒施,或一般之撒施方式,以及利用“肥料細孔釋放包裝"於中耕時一次埋入土中,均可較現行開溝施肥並覆土之施肥方式節省人力1/2~2/3。惟利用“肥料細孔釋放包裝"一次施肥方式,雖可顯著節省施肥人力2/3以上,但由於N肥之不足,香蕉生長發育及產量,均顯著降低,不適於臺灣蕉園之施肥。其他肥料撒施或溶於灌溉水之施肥方式,不但可節省大半施肥人力,且對香蕉生長發育及產量,並無不良影響,值得今後本省蕉園施肥之參考。文中並就土壤與葉片分析,以及植物表現(plant performance)提出結果,並予討論。
In this study, the effect of different methods of fertilization on the plant performance, yield of banana plants and labouring were evaluated. There were seven treatments, including 1) fertilizer was dissolved in irrigation water, in twelve dressings. 2) broadcast on soil surface after raining or irrigation when soil was still wet, in twelve dressings. 3) broadcast over the whole area, in five dressings. 4) plowed a furrow, fertilizer was applied to the furrow then cover with soil, in five dressings according to the schedule used in the conventional fertilization (CK₁). 5) added 5% of total fertilizer when planting, the remains were applied by the same way as treatment 4. 6) no fertilizer was added (CK₂). 7) two packets of micropore release fertilizer per plant were buried below soil surface at about two months after planting. The compound fertilizer (11-5.5-22 in terms of N, P, K proportion) was used and applied at rate of 2.0 kg per annum in treatment 1-5 and 7. and equivalent rate of N (ammonium sulfate) and K₂O (potassium chloride) was applied in treatment 1. Results showed that the application labour of treatments 1, 2, 3 and 7 were about ½ to 2/3 less than that of treatment 4 which is the conventional practice employed in Taiwan. Of those treatments, treatments 1-5 showed equally satisfactory in plant performance and yield of banana fruits, while treatment 7 got the poorest plant performance and yield because of N deficiency. Results of this study indicated that the current practice of fertilization in Taiwan banana plantation (treatment 4) was tedious and disadvantage. The broadcast method (treatment 2, 3) or application together with irrigation water (treatment 1) are suggested hereby. Data of soil and leaf analysis, various indices of plant performance and yield were discussed in this paper.
起訖頁 186-192
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 198011 (26:5&6期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 低溫、黑暗處理對採收後白蘆筍之保鮮效果
該期刊-下一篇 不同根砧對葡萄柚幼苗葉內無機養分含量影響初報




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