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Rate of N-and K-Fertilizers on The Growth and Quality of Cut Flower of Chrysanthemum (cv. Huang-Hsiu-Fang)
作者 蔡素蕙林信山
經濟栽培菊花以生產高品質切花為目標,適當的施肥是達成此目標的關鍵之一。本試驗之目的在探討氮鉀肥對黃秀芳菊花之生長與品質的影響。試驗田設於田尾鄉,係粘板岩沖積土(含有機質2.5%、K2O 444 kg/ha、P2 O5 643 kg/ha、Mg 304 ppm、Ca 5255 ppm),係上期菊花切花後輪作一期水稻,並休閒約四個月後供試。本試驗採複因子逢機完全區集設計,氮肥用量4級(0、150、300、450 kgN/ha),鉀肥用量3級(120、240、360kgK2O/ha),定植後45日內施完全部氮、鉀肥。除生育中期及後期調查一般園藝性狀外,並調至整切花品質。結果顯示生育中期前菊花植株生長隨氮肥量增加而增加,但不施氮肥區仍沒有缺氮現象,並可使莖長達到外銷標準(85cm),300kgN/ha氮肥區切花莖較重,不施氮肥區切花之品質,包括花徑、瓶插壽命等,與施氮肥區比較,均無不良影響。鉀肥用量間對園藝性狀及切花品質之影響無顯著差異。所以在本試驗地之條件下,當期作鉀肥效用不顯著,氮肥施用量以150 kgN/ha以下為宜。
The quality of cut flowers is very important in the economical cultivation of chrysanthemun. Proper application of fertilizers is one of the major methods to meet this purpose. This study was conducted to evaluate the amount of N- and K- fertilizers on the effectiveness of vegetative growth and cut flower quality of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat cv. Huang-Hsiu-Fang. The experiment was conducted at Tein-Wei in a slate alluvial soil. The soil fertility of the experiment at planting time was as follows: 2.5% in organic matter and 444 kg/ha in K2O, 643 kg/ha in P2O5, 304 ppm of Mg, and 5255 ppm of Ca. The 4×3 factorial experiment consisting of 4 levels of N (0、150、300、450 kg/ha) and 3 levels of K2O (120、240、360 kg/ha) was arranged in a randomized complete block design. All fertilizers were applied within 45 days after planting. The various horticultural characteristics at mid and late growing stages and the qualities of cut flowers at harvest were investigated. The results showed that the stem of the flower in the treatment without N-fertilizer also reached the commercially length (85cm) at harvesting stage. The treatment with 300 kg/ha N-fertilizer showed apparent increase in the diameter of stem. The amount of K-fertilizers applied did not affect the horticultural characteristics and the quality of flower significantly. It showed that application of N-fertilizer in the amount of less than 150 kgN/ha under the soil condition of experiment resulted in the production of high quality flowers of chrysanthemum, so far the present experiment was concerned.
起訖頁 211-221
關鍵詞 氮肥鉀肥菊花N-fertilizerK-fertilizerchrysanthemum
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 198909 (35:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 改進玫瑰冬季切花產量之研究 I .遮陰與夏季摘蕾對冬季切花產量之影響




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