中文摘要 |
愛文芒果於1954年自美國佛州引進,其品質甚佳,結果可靠,產量甚高,在臺灣中南部地區發展迅速,現栽培面積已達4,000公頃,為瞭解該品種枝條之結果能力,特就其頂梢,即最後一次抽梢之中央部位直徑與該梢之葉數加以測定,並分別調查其結果數。據調查獲悉:凡直徑愈大,葉數愈多之枝條,其結果能力愈大,在此次供試果園之生長情形下,直徑0.5~0.7cm,,葉數為5~10枚者之小枝數為最多。為果實產量之重心。此次共測定之小枝1,125枝中,共結果523枝,平均每100小枝之結果數46.5枝。直徑為0.8~1.0真如此cm,葉數在16枝以上者,平均每100小枝之結果數可達93.5枚。是以藉管理方法增大小枝之直徑與葉數,可望增加結果數。 |
英文摘要 |
Since the introduction of the Irwin mango from Florida of the United States of America in 1954, commercial plantations of Irwin mango have been intensively established in central and southern parts of Taiwan. Till the present time, about 4,000 hectares of cultivated area have been reached. The quality of Irwin mango is very good. In order to make sure the fruiting ability of the shoots, diameter and leaf number of the terminal shoots (last flushes) bearing the inflorescences were measured, and fruits on the shoots counted. According to the measurement, it was found that there was relationship between the diameter as well as the leaf number of the terminal shoots and fruiting. The bigger diamenter of the shoots and the greater number of leaves attached favor the fruit set. In most cases, the diameter of the terminal shoots ranged from 0.5 and 0.7 cm, and the leaf numbers 5-10. The average fruits of each 100 shoots were 46.5. |