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Effect of Fruit Characteristics on the Qualities of Canned Bartlett Pears
作者 王自存方祖達
巴梨(Bartlett pears) 是西洋梨中生食及加工利用最受人歡迎的一種,民國四十八年開始在臺灣中部東西橫貫公路的梨山一帶栽培,至今已長大成林。巴梨的樹勢強健,適應風土力強,栽培管理容易、產量豐富、果實後熟後會變成黃色或金黃色,帶有果斑點,肉質柔軟多汁,且有特殊香味,有頗高的糖度和少量酸,品質極佳,其中有一變種,成熟時果皮呈深紅色,甚為誘人。所以在歐、美及澳洲等地為主要之加工原料,每年生產大量之巴梨罐頭、濃厚果汁(nectar) 、果泥(puree) 、脫水梨及冷凍梨等,用途非常廣泛。
There is only a very little market for the Bartlett pears here in Taiwan, due to the fact that a few people know to make up the good characteristics of these deciduous fruits before consumption by curing them in the proper ripening conditions. The effect of ripening level and other processing variables on the canned qualities of Bartlett pears have also been conducted by this study. Bartlett pears ripened to a firmness dropped to 4 pounds are most desirable for canning. It shows that Max-Rod Bartlett pears have the same characteristic and the same qualities of their canned products as the common Bartlett pears. Compared with the inported canned Bartlett pears, the qualities of canned products with the local Bartlett pears as raw materials show there is no significant difference between them, except a little poor color and a little more tough fibers present in the local Bartlett pears. A scheme for canning of Bartlett pears has also bean proposed.
起訖頁 47-53
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 197801 (24:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 香花植物之研究第四報:中國素馨來源考
該期刊-下一篇 引起蘆筍園缺株原因之調查




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