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葡萄芽休眠的生理研究(一)內在離層酸(Free Abscisic Acid)和激勃素(Gibberellic Acid)對於芽之休眠與再生長之誘發
On the Bud Dormancy of Grape Varieties 1. The Effect of Endogenous Free Abscisic Acid and Gibberellic Acid on the Bud Dormancy and the Induction of their Regrowth during the Growing Season
作者 鄭正勇
為求了解副熟帶栽培之葡萄生理,以供臺灣省週年生產葡萄栽培措施上之參考,本文就巨峰葡萄當年生枝條內含生長素離層酸(free abscisic acid)和激勃素(gibberellic acid)季節性變化與公布情形及其與枝條之生長、潛伏芽之再萌發能力間之關係作一分析及討論。在生長期內,除去auxins,cytokinins,以及其他相對抑制因子之外,離層酸和激勃素間之比例似乎和芽之休眠深度(或活力)有直接關係。離層酸含量由枝條基端往尖端遞減,而激勃素之含量則相反。生長在同一枝條上之潛伏芽則由枝條基端開始,依序進入休眠期。於分化良好之果芽上方一公分處修剪、環刻、環剝或連帶除去附於芽處之葉,均可能促使潛伏芽萌發、結果而確保產量。
In an attempt to make a continuous whole year grape production in the subtropical area possible the seasonal changes and the distributions of endogenous free abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid (GA3) in the young grape shoots of Vitis vinifera×Vitis labrusca var. Kyoho as well as the correlation among the contents of these growth substances, the morphological expres sions of the shoot growth and the outgrowth capabilities of the latent buds borne along the growing shoots have been investigated. In the matter of regulating bud dormancy (or bud activity), the ratio ABA/GA3 seems to play an important role other than auxins, cytokinins and some other correlative inhibition factors discussed by former authors. Free ABA content increases basipetally and GA3 acropetally along the shoot, while the latent buds become succesively dormant from shoot base toward shoot terminal. By means of pruning, ringing or girdling a relatively mature shoot 1 cm above a well differentiated bud with a simultaneous defoliation (1 leaf) possibly result in the outgrowth of the bud The treating position determines whether the bud resumes its outgrowth or not, this again influences the yield.
起訖頁 26-33
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 197601 (22:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 貯藏溫度對採收後蘆筍嫩莖細胞構造之影響--普通及電子顯微鏡之研究
該期刊-下一篇 番椒果實辣味成分之研究(四)番椒品質及生產之關係




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